> Hi all
> I want to configure fetchmail to POP mail for all my users from my ISP to
my local mail server running sendmail. At the moment it fetches the mail and
delivers  everything to one user but what I really want is for each user's
mail to be delivered to their mailbox on the mail server. For example mail
fetched from the ISP as
> is all dumped into the mailbox of user2 on the local mail server on my
internal server. BUt what I really want is mail fetched as
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be deliverd to user1 on my local mail server,
and that for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user 2 and so on.
> I only have one account with the ISP but can have as many usernames as I
want for mail as long as the part after the @ symbol is not changed.
> Any ideas how I can do this?

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Rupendra Singh

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