
I'm not sure how simple or difficult it is to do this with sendmail, however
the approach is guaranteed to misdeliver mail.   The reason is that when
Internet mail is in transit - it is sent with two components - the message
content (what you see with your client plus 822 message headers), and the
message envelope.  The contents of the 822 header (To:, Cc:, Subject:, etc
fields) ARE NOT necessarily the same as the message envelope.   The message
envelope, sometimes also referred to as the "recipient list", contains the
addresses to which a message is to be delivered to, independent of the
header fields.  The contents of this list can and often do change as a
message is in transit between the originator and eventual recipients of the
message.  For instance, Bcc'd recipients do not show up in the headers, but
do in the recipient list.  Messages that get forwarded (through .forward
files or equivalent), or resubmitted (distribution lists) normally don't
touch the message headers, however only modify the recipient list.

When messages undergo final delivery, the recipient list, or envelope
information is lost.   This is what you need in order to determine what
mailbox or mailboxes to sort mail to.  A simple example - let's say I send a
message to only this list - you will only see a To: of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] header field, regardless of who it was delivered to.
How do you intend to route this?   There is no way to automate this.  Let's
say your boss sends out a confidential message, and blind copies you.   Your
address will not show up in any of the headers.   How do you intend to
deliver this?   Get it wrong and all of a sudden your co-workers have a copy
of a message that was supposed to be confidential and for your eyes only.

There are several ways in which to properly configure systems which are not
perminantly connected to the Internet (or who are connected utilizing
dynamically assigned IP addresses) so that mail servers will work properly.
Some of these include the use of dynamic IP service providers, message
queuing at your provider with ETRN capabile servers at your location, Batch
SMTP (BSMTP), and a few others.

A more detailed description of this problem, with diagrams can be found in
our Principles of Operation manual
( on page 45.  The section
that describes addressing and the problems with POP3 sorting of mail is
generic and not specific to our products, as well as how one such approach
(BSMTP) can be used.

Best Regards,

Tim Kehres
International Messaging Associates

----- Original Message -----
From: "Awuku Danso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "kehres" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "redhat-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: Fetchmail, Sendmail and multiple usernames

> Thanks for your response. All mail on the ISP side, irrespective of the
username, is delivered to a single mailbox. But there must be a way to tell
sendmail after it's received it from fetchmail, to deliver to the various
recipients as per the "TO" FIELD
> Awuku
> >>> Tim Kehres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/27/02 09:43 AM >>>
> Hello,
> How many mailboxes do you have with the ISP?   In other words - is mail
> each user account described being delivered to a DIFFERENT mailbox on the
> ISP, or are they all being delivered to a single mailbox?   For this to
> properly, each user should have mail delivered to unique mailboxes on the
> ISP side.
> Best Regards,
> Tim Kehres
> International Messaging Associates
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Awuku Danso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "redhat-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 3:26 AM
> Subject: Fetchmail, Sendmail and multiple usernames
> > Hi all
> > I want to configure fetchmail to POP mail for all my users from my ISP
> my local mail server running sendmail. At the moment it fetches the mail
> delivers  everything to one user but what I really want is for each user's
> mail to be delivered to their mailbox on the mail server. For example mail
> fetched from the ISP as
> >
> >
> > is all dumped into the mailbox of user2 on the local mail server on my
> internal server. BUt what I really want is mail fetched as
> >  [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be deliverd to user1 on my local mail server,
> and that for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to user 2 and so on.
> >
> > I only have one account with the ISP but can have as many usernames as I
> want for mail as long as the part aftr the @ symbol is not changed.
> >
> > Any ideas how I can do this?
> >
> > Awuku
> --
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