On Wed, Dec 25, 2002 at 02:20:14AM +0800 or thereabouts, Tim Kehres wrote:
> Matthew,
> Just curious - why can't you identify a couple (2 or 3) well known and
> publically accessible name servers (there are many that fit this
> description), and then just point your resolver to them?  While running a
> local caching server is fine and well, you'll still have to point that to
> something on the Internet to resolve non-cached data, so you're back to
> square one anyway.

Good idea Tim.  Matthew can just point it to his university servers, which
work just fine.  All he has to do is put his ns.university.server in his
/etc/resolv.conf  and it will work well.  This can also be done using a
local caching server too without changing anything.


    sed '/^[when][coders]/!d
    ' /usr/share/dict/words

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