Here's some more information regarding djbdns

djbdns, the DNS sanity-saver!,,12083_1446551,00.html,,12083_1450441,00.html



On Tue, 2002-12-24 at 12:52, Gary wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 24, 2002 at 12:28:02PM -0500 or thereabouts, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> > I was thinking of installing the caching name server RPM, but it runs off
> > of bind.  So I thought I'd ask if there was some other configuration or
> > name server daemon that would be more appropriate for this application,
> > i.e., lighter-weight, more secure, etc. (I'm running RH8.0., but I thought
> > the answer might be of more general interest.)
> Matthew,
> In my opinion, after looking and using a few, there is only one, and that
> is dnscache, which can be installed alone.  It is part of the djbdns
> programs.  It is fast, lightweight, totally secure, far better than BIND,
> which is monolithic in terms of having both DNS and Cache together. You
> will not be sorry. I will never go back to BIND for content or caching
> servers. If you use a content server, tinydns is faster (over 5000 queries
> per second), more secure also, *much easier* to set up, etc. 
> -- 
> Gary
>     sed '/^[when][coders]/!d
>         /^...[discover].$/d
>        /^..[real].[code]$/!d
>     ' /usr/share/dict/words

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