On Thu, Jan 02, 2003 at 07:43:35PM -0600, Chandra wrote:
> I am able to ping to my Red hat 8.0 system, but not able to login into 
> the system using telnet from my windows desktop and getting the 
> following error message.
> telnet: Connect to address:... Connection refused.

A couple of things could be happening.  

--Default security settings are blocking access to port 23 (telnet).

--Telnet server is not installed.  To check:

rpm -qa | grep telnet-server

If that does not show you telnet-server then you do not have it
installed.  You can install it from the CD's by using the RPM.

--Telnet server installed, but not running.  To turn it on type
the following:

/sbin/chkconfig telnet on

With all of this having been said if you do not have a reason to
use telnet, I highly suggest using ssh.  Telnet sends information
across the wire in plain text whereas with ssh the session is
encrypted.  From a *nix box just type ssh and then the name of
your Red Hat 8.0 box.  From a Windows box just do a search on
putty at Google and download it to your Windows box.  This tool
will allow you to ssh to your Red Hat box.


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