On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 09:46, gabriel wrote:
> On January 28, 2003 10:38 am, Bret Hughes wrote:
> > I suspect that linux system vulnerabilities don't get the press is that
> > there are not as many of them out there and that the average linux
> > user/admin is WAY more cognizant of what is running on his box and as a
> > result more apt to keep up with the updates.  RHN and the like are tools
> > that should help keep systems updated and massive attacks like this on
> > the linux platform to a minimum.
> one might also consider the lack of good firewalling in a lot of office 
> networks.  users often think that since they're behind this magical firewall, 
> they don't need to update their software.  but since these firewalls are all 
> too often built allowing internal machines unhindered access to the world 
> (rather than filtering what gets forwared BOTH ways) stuff like this more 
> possible.

A very good point.  how many machines need to be able to access a sql
server outside the corporate network anyway?  My guess is very few.


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