On Friday 31 January 2003 09:07, Ashley Kitson wrote:
> Matthew
> etc/xinetd.d/swat is configured as
> #chkconfig: 35 20 80
> #description: SWAT
> service swat
> {
>     disable = no
>     port = 901
>     socket_type = stream
>     wait = no
>     only_from = localhost
>     user = root
>     log_on_failure += USERID
> )

It seems you may be confusing two separate methods of service 
configuration.  One method to start a service is via the SysV init 


and the second is via the xinetd mechanism:


If you are using the SysV Init method the service you want to use will 
have a configuration file in the /etc/init.d directory.  These services 
can be controlled via the "chkconfig" utility to determine if and at 
what run levels the service will run at.  The service will typically be 
running in deamon mode when you start your computer up and you'll be 
able to see them in the "ps" listing even when the service isn't being 
used by someone or something. 

If, on the other hand, you are using the xinetd mechanism then the 
control files for the service you wish to use are in the /etc/xinetd.d 
directory. Each file controls a specific service as the names of the 
files suggest.  Unlike the SysV Init method services will not start up 
when you reboot your computer.  The only time a service will start is 
if the xinetd deamon sees that the service is needed.  If the service 
isn't being used by someone, a "ps" listing will show that the service 
is not running.

These two methods of controlling services are are not normally used at 
the same time, you generally choose one or the other to control your 
service.  If you are trying to configure both methods for the same 
service you're probably doing something wrong. 

The lines in your note above:

> #chkconfig: 35 20 80
> #description: SWAT

are chkconfig control strings for the SysV init method an have no place 
in a xinetd control file.

Regards, Mike Klinke

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