
> This is not true for Red Hat's samba-swat packages. There the server
> line points to /usr/sbin/swat. Whatever you did, you damaged the
> xinetd config files in several places.

Whatever I did, was done under strict direction from the install
directions from the RH8 install guide and following that, the directions
whilst installing.  Up to the point that I let the update program do its
own thing and put V2.2.7 of samba on board.  The directory structure
that was built was built by the RH install program, not me.  I have
copies of the xinetd config files (I'm not that green) and they are as
per original apart from the 3 lines that you originally queried (which
have been removed.) Please note that these were entered after reference
to the various documentation files that I found both on the distribution
and the Samba site itself.

> Yes, because it is an optional package.

Doh, I should have known that, really?  Nowhere in the install docs or
under installation does it mention that it is an option.  Trust me, I've
tried to do  this several times and understand the difference between
core and optional when it comes to RPM.  It's simply not listed as an
option.  We have gone over this ground.  Running up2date samba-swat does
not work.  The system does not recognise that I have 2.2.5 installed and
never has.  In fact running it on the command line gives no response
whatsoever  (the session that underlies X reports that Samba 2.3.5 has
not been found again, Samba 2.2.5 is running, I know, I can see it from
my win95 machines).

> Don't mix in packages like that. The dependency chain of other
> vendor's packages often is not compatible with Red Hat. For
> instance, while Red Hat provides "samba", "samba-common" and
> "samba-swat", the samba-2.2.7a-1 rpm you refer to is a single
> package.

You miss the point. here is a timeline:

1/ RH6.2 Loaded sometime back
2/ Machine nuked
3/ RH 8.0 loaded including Samba
4/ RH autoupdate updates Samba to 2.2.7
5/ I get around to using it, configure Samba to run manually and think
this is a chore, what about using Swat.  Swat don't run.
6/ xinetd manually configured for swat,  no joy
7/ list conversations
8/ try to install swat from disk 3. no joy it is expecting samba 2.2.5
9/ list conversations
10/ blitz 2.2.7 from disk using rpm and deselecting samba
11/ re-install samba 2.2.5 from RH8.0 but it doesn't ask for disk 3
again (where swat lives).
12/ try to install swat from disk 3 but it refuses, saying that 2.2.5 is
not on disk.
13/ try command line installs. no joy

And that's where we are:


It might appear that we are at loggerheads on this but I can a/ only
thank you for hanging in there and b/ tell it like it is (in my own
experience that is.)  Something is clearly wrong with the installation
this end but I have noted that others in this and the install list are
getting similar problems so perhaps it is not just me :-}

Talking of which, perhaps I'll just forget the whole idea of SWAT and go
native.  Then again, WTF, it should work!!

Kind Regards
Ashley Kitson

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