On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 19:57, Ashley Kitson wrote:
> Michael
> You miss the point. here is a timeline:
> 1/ RH6.2 Loaded sometime back
> 2/ Machine nuked
> 3/ RH 8.0 loaded including Samba
> 4/ RH autoupdate updates Samba to 2.2.7
> 5/ I get around to using it, configure Samba to run manually and think
> this is a chore, what about using Swat.  Swat don't run.
> 6/ xinetd manually configured for swat,  no joy
> 7/ list conversations
> 8/ try to install swat from disk 3. no joy it is expecting samba 2.2.5
> 9/ list conversations
> 10/ blitz 2.2.7 from disk using rpm and deselecting samba
> 11/ re-install samba 2.2.5 from RH8.0 but it doesn't ask for disk 3
> again (where swat lives).
> 12/ try to install swat from disk 3 but it refuses, saying that 2.2.5 is
> not on disk.
> 13/ try command line installs. no joy
> And that's where we are:

New point of view with no 8.0 experience.

First, what does rpm think you have

what does 

rpm -qa|grep samba 


BTW there is an errata version of swat at 
I have also never used up2date.


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