On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 17:39, Mike McMullen wrote:
> I'm having my own NTP problem at the moment 
> on a RH 7.3 system. I have added server lines
> in the /etc/ntp.conf and restarted the server. 
> It always uses the local clock. My server lines look like
> this:
> server  time.nist.gov prefer
> server  ns.arc.nasa.gov prefer
> server  tick.usno.navy.mil prefer
> Any insight appreciated.

What do you see ntpd related in the logs (/var/log/messages)?  IF the
system is too far out, it will not sync and you will need to run ntpdate
to sync to one of the time servers.  Make sure the firewall (if there is
one) allows the ntp traffic through. Port 123 IIRC.

If you put servers in /etc/ntp/step-tickers the ntpd startup script will
try to sync to them before starting ntpd eliminating any too far out of
sync problems

ntpq -p will give some information on the status of servers ntpd knows


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