Just set up samba to be a wins server.  In the smb.conf file you have the
option "wins support =".  Set it to yes and then go into Ethernet properties
on the win9x and set them to use a wins server and list the linux box IP as
the wins server IP.  This should solve any master browser issues as long as
the linux box is running in tandem with the others.  After implementing this
I have never had network neighborhood issues.  Make sure you restart samba
after the change in smb.conf and restart the M$ boxes.

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: samba working, but can't see computer in "my network places"

I would like to point out that this is not necessarily a linux problem.
I have both a windows98 and windowsxp machine that refuse to allow
any computer windows or linux to show up in their network places or
network neighboorhod. Yet if I do a find computer search they will
always show the desired computer and all its shares. I looked on the
web and microsoft gives half a dozen reasons why this can happen
the top of their list is a never ending master browser war.  So far
I haven't solved it since the find computer allows you to open the
share and copy and paste between the two and printing is not effected
it hasn't been worth the time.

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