> OK, so if you 'ls -l /home', are the uids resolved to names via LDAP?

> If you don't have anything in /home, just log in as root, touch a file
> in /tmp, and chown it to a user that exists in LDAP, but not
> /etc/passwd.  If it works, then you're binding properly to the
> directory.

Ok.  I have it working now.  The problem was my sshd_config wasn't setup to
authenticate using PAM modules.  Seems it's turned off by default (I'f I'm
reading this correctly).


> Shouldn't be a problem.  The way I understand pam authentication against
> LDAP, the module actually connects to the directory and attempts to bind
> as the user.  In that case, the directory server is doing the
> authentication, and should work with SSHA.  The client system doesn't
> have to know anything about the password hash in use.

Hmmm... I wonder if that's why my new problem has popped up.  When I
authenticate against LDAP It says the user's home directory doesn't exist. 
I've been reading through the RedHat PAM-LIST archives and learned I need to
include pam_mkhomedir.so.  

Here is the new line added to system-auth

session     optional      /lib/security/pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel

When I login now I see a message reporting it's creating the users home
directory however no directory is created.  If I chmod 777 /home then the
directory is created (obviously I don't want to do this).

I wonder if setting a bind user/password would resolve the problem. 
Currently I connect anonymously to the LDAP server (for testing purposes only)


LDAP is most impressive.  I see great potential for it in our environment.


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