On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Patrick Scott Darden wrote:

> Cons:         exchange is a messaging server, not just email--you lose a 
>       lot of functionality unless you also employ a program like ICQ,
>       plus perhaps a local news server, etc. 

Well, the best thing about Unix is that you don't have to have all the
functionality in one giant package.  Adding a news server to the mix is
easy (as easy as setting up a news server ever gets anyway).

As for messaging, there are any number of alternatives.  WinTalk comes
right to mind (using the standard talk mechanism).  You mentioned ICQ
already (but it is probably not the best).  Both of these are cross
platform, but WinTalk more so, because it works with regular ytalk and
ntalkd, whereas ICQ requires a hefty Java executable.  WinTalk also works
behind a firewall, whereas (to my knowledge) there is no way to use ICQ
without the ICQ server, which they don't give out.

"There are always alternatives." :)

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