On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Ted Gervais wrote:

> I was thinking that possibly this could be done through the use of ports.
> Something like,  telnetting to  the main  machines' IP address plus a port
> number.  (IP#xxx.xxx.xxx:8700)  Each machine with their own port number.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on this.  Anyone please..

Yes, this can be accomplished.  It is commonly referred to as port

It can be done directly using the proper iptables command.

I'm lazy, however.  I run a firewall on my system and use "shorewall" as
my tool to set it up.  I make the necessary changes in my shorewall config
files and let shorewall invoke iptables with the proper incantation.


http://www.shorewall.net/  for all your firewall needs

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