On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 at 5:42am (-0800), Prashant Desai wrote:

> Hi all 
>     i have sucessfully configured a central log server
> on RH linux 7.2, to log for around 20-25 hosts running
> solaris & linux.
>    but the problem is all the logs are coming in to
> the same file related to that perticular kinda logs
> like maillog  , messages etc. 
>   is it possible to keep logs on logserver in
> different directory on the log server based on the log
> clients ????????
>  kindly point to some links on configuring this kinda
> of configuration.........

I don't think what you want is possible with the normal syslogd that comes
with redhat.  You might want to investigate using syslog-ng... it has
significantly better filtering abilities.  I've found it to be very good for
a central log server.



I /beleive/ the default config that comes with rpm'ified version is
funtionally equivilent to the redhat's default syslogd config which should
give you a good start on adapting it to your needs.


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