On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, nate wrote:

> Dante Bell said:
> > Hi, I'm running RH 8.0 on an intel PC and want to use a serial port
> > connection to a Sun Ultra 60 in order to configure/boot the sun for file
> > server/web server in my home office.  It's been about 10 years since  I've
> > done this and don't remember how, except that I used tip to connect  over
> > the seriel port ttys0 to the sun box.  I don't see tip on the RH  box.
> > What should I use?  Also, an even dumber question ... do I need a
> > cross-over serial cable to make this setup work?
> you need a null modem cable if thats what you mean. The easiest way,
> is to install minicom, configure it to 9600/8/N/1, disable all the
> modem specific stuff(init strings and such), and connect to the sun on
> serial port A. If the system does not respond, a fast way to get it
> to respond is to reboot it if you can. You should see the openboot
> stuff come up. Careful which port you plug into, several times I've
> mistakenly plugged into the parallel port on ultra 10s thinkin it
> was the serial port(they use the same damn connector!), and sat in
> frustration for 20 minutes trying to figure out what the hell is
> wrong :)
And also if you're used to tip, then "cu" should be a breeze for you.  
It's a part of the uucp rpm.

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