I think I fix the ACCESS DENIED problem.. I added this line to my global

use client driver = yes

Try that and let me know

On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 18:15, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > I have a Deskjet 820Cse printer installed on my RedHat Linux 7.3 machine.
> > It works great. I have the printer set up as a share on my network using
> > Samba. Windows clients can connect to it and everything seems to print ok.
> > However, when a user clicks on the printer icon from within windows, it
> > says ACCESS DENIED. Unable to connect to the printer. However, they can
> > print to it fine. The problem is, they cant manage their documents at all
> > while they are printing cause they cant see the job due to the access
> > problem. Weird hu?
> Nope, not weird, been banging my head against a brick wall about that one
> for a year now. Occasionally I re-google and see what's what, but no single
> working solution has presented itself yet. I'm living with the problem at
> the moment, as, like you, we CAN print, just not manage jobs.
> For me it only happens with Windows XP boxes, and for some reason, some
> users with less 'access' to the Linux box don't have the problem. For
> example if I log onto the XP box as my wife's user, there is no 'access
> denied'. Log on as myself or root of all things, and I get 'access denied'.
> They all print OK though. I don't get it. All the things I did find I tried
> to no avail. All those solution pretty much had a 'YMMV' clause to them, so
> I didn't really expect them to work anyway.
> Basically, if you have more time than me and figure it out, please keep me
> in mind. It would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> ---
> Edward Dekkers (Director)
> Triple D Computer Services P/L

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