On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 12:55, Christian Campbell wrote:
> I'm running a RedHat 8 server that needs to accept mail from the world as
> our primary mailserver.  I'm debating as to whether I should use postfix or
> sendmail (or something else).  Anyone have any pros/cons to either of these?

Either/or is fine. I've heard postfix is fast, secure, and easy to use
and configure. Sendmail has always worked well for me too. Cryptic
configuration, but works well.

I personally advise you to stay the hell away from qmail. Fast and
secure, yes. But if you so much as sneeze you have to recompile,
POP-before-SMTP and SMTP AUTH are only available as add-on patches, and
the mailing list is snotty and unfriendly as hell. Sheesh.

> I'd like something simple, secure and have the option of doing some type of
> spam catching with some type of package (open source, free / cheep) that
> integrates easily.  Any and all help appreciated!

I've just started looking at how spamassassin works, and hope to have it
implemented soon. It's included in RedHat 8.0, too. Heard wonderful
things about it.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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