It has recently been brought to my attention (by my ISP) that someone may be sending SPAM through my server.

I check my server regularly against SPAM via and I also run up2date at least one or twice every 2 weeks.

Is there somewhere where I can log detailed SMTP information on all connections that would include:
how many messages were sent
who they were form (email address and IP)
who they went to (email address and IP)
date and time of connection
I realize that the from addresses and the source IPs may be forged but I would like to log them anyway just in case they can offer any info at all.

Thanks for the help.

Thank You

Dene Ulmschneider
Data Techie Inc.
office:         718.738.8859
cell:           646.996.2976
email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pager mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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