On 11:59 04 Mar 2003, Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On 04-Mar-2003/08:21 -0800, "Myhre, Julie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >Yes I believe it is a questionmark, if an ls tells me anything...you're
| >getting at the idea of ? being a wildcard single character - does
| >Linux/the shell change unprintable characters to questionmarks to flag a
| >problem?

I was actually wondering if you had an alias for ls with the -F option
that tags file type (dir, etc) with a suffix char.

But Tony's idea below sounds more likely to me.

| >I've cut and pasted a listing of the script... [...]
| Did you create that script on a DOS/Win machine? If so, the line may end
| with CRLF instead of the *nix standard LF. The CR would be displayed as a
| question mark by ls.

Also to bear in mind is that most UNIX tools _don't_ consider a CR
to be whitespace, which is probably how one would get onto the end of
a filename.

ls will usually print "unprintables" (control chars, like CR) as a ? to
prevent the listing being mangled.

You can really inspect things wi9th an incantation like this:

        echo * | od -c
        echo file_prefix* | od -c       # trim the listing a bit

Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

The usual work schedule (so far as I can figure) for the PhD folks around
here is nine to five Monday through Friday. I have a slightly different
approach. I wander into the office about three in the afternoon, do the
pretend work (**), go home for a couple of hours for dinner, then come back
about nine at night for the proper work. Proper work usually goes until
about four in the morning and I'm asleep by five. Maybe. I do this seven
days a week, except on Saturdays when I go home about nine in the morning,
right about the time my housemates are moving about.
        - Dan Hillman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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