You have so many config variables that could be the problem, I'm
not really sure, below is what I have, it defines one share, and works
absolutely fine from Win98 when using the run dialog line I gave you,
other then trying what I have, I can only suggest you make sure
you infact have the user setup in /etc/smbpasswd, etc.

        interfaces = eth0
        security = SHARE
        encrypt passwords = yes
        workgroup = WORKGROUP
        comment = "Server 1"
        server string = "Server 1"
        guest account = ftp

        path = /home/storage
        read only = no
        admin users = avoigt

On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 10:28, Muhd Ramley wrote:
Same message Adam,


On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 23:13, Adam Voigt wrote:
> Try this for me, in your run box, type:
> \\SERVERNAME\sharename%username
> Substitute SERVERNAME for the name of the Samba server,
> sharename, for the sharename, obviously, and username
> for the username on the box.
> Then when the password box, pops up, enter the password
> for the user "username".
> On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 09:52, Muhd Ramley wrote:
> Thanks for your interest Adam. trying to open it from network
> neighbourhood.
> Rds...Ramley
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