On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 08:40, Technoslick wrote:

> I have spent more time in Mandrake, and therefore KDE. Now, in Red Hat
> 8.0, I am getting acquainted wit Gnome, again. It has come a long ways
> since Red Hat 6.0. So has KDE 3.0. Gnome has some outstanding looks and
> depth in ways that I wish to see in KDE, but Gnome isn't as mature and
> therefore doesn't have all the niceties that KDE now has. When it comes
> to configuring the way you want your Desktop, KDE is more
> generous....and it's much easier to find what you wish to configure in
> KDE. 
Some will say that KDE is more "Windows Like" - but that's by default.
KDE can be made to be quite the opposite - but it's a matter of
customisation and configuration.

I'm still inclined toward KDE just due to productivity and
functionality. Even after upgrading/updating and getting Gnome 2.2.0, it
is still lacking in alot of functionality and consistency throughout all
the "Gnome" applications - consistency in dialogs, window operations,
program operations - still a bit of a kludge - but that's IMHO.

> So, my recommendation, at least through Red Hat 8.0, is to taker them
> both! When I installed, I took the max apps and applets on both. Now, I
> have a mixture of the two, really the best of the two, and it seems
> pretty seamless having the two that way.
I'd recommend the same - although, as stated before, Gnome applications
are lacking a bit in consistency, but hey, it ain't hard to use
Gnome/GTK applications whilst running KDE, or vice-versa.

Everyone likes their coffee/tea different - so experimentation is the
biggest thing - what feels the best is what you end up using.

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