On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Anthony E. Greene wrote:

> Paul Greene wrote:
> > If you disable sendmail in rc3.d or rc5.d, does it disable it 
> > completely? Or does it just disable it's ability to receive mail, but 
> > will still send mail when needed?
> It will no longer be running, so you can't connect to it using SMTP, but 
> you can still send outgoing mail by calling sendmail directly:
>    cat messagefile | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t

This is half true.  Outgoing email where the destination is immediately 
available will be sent.  Email items which are deferred will not be sent 
or cleaned out until a "sendmail -q" is run.  This potentally means that 
the file system that the mqueue directory is on will slowly fill up with 
deferred email.  If you want to do out-bound only email then be sure to 
add a sendmail -q to the cron.

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