Edward Dekkers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How about I freely admit that Kickstart should not erase drives you've
> explicitly told it not to.

Sounds good to me.

> You're right. It shouldn't.

> But please have a think about things you shouldn't do. Seriously, when
> we get PCs in here for re-installs we explicitly state we will not
> guarantee and data on the PC will be intact. That's not being overly
> careful, that's 20 years of experience (yes, since 83) of realizing
> anything can happen and usually does.

Oh, I understand all this too well.  As usual Murphy was present and
everything did go wrong: First of all the CD-ROM drive on the computer
turned out to be broken, so I had to scrounge up a replacement before I
could use the upgrade CD-ROM's.  Then the Red Hat updater made the
system unbootable, rather than updating it.  So then I had to scrounge
up a replacement hard drive, so that I could do a fresh install without
deleting data on the existing disk drives.  Then the floppy drive turned
out to be broken when I went to use the Kickstart config floppy.  So
then I had to scrounge up a replacement floppy drive.  And then
Kickstart zeroed the partition tables on *all* of the disk drives. Then
the Red Hat installer didn't properly configure either the video card or
the ethernet card.

And during all this, I'm really supposed to be working on an imminent
software deadline, not working on any of this.

> HOWEVER, before we start on a PC, we always Ghost the entire image
> onto the network. Just to be sure.

That is a very good idea.  Alas, I didn't have free space anywhere.  I
should have just unplugged the other disk drives before doing the
install.  But I just wasn't being paranoid enough, I suppose, because in
26 years of experience doing this, I've never before seen an OS
installer clear partitions on other disk drives, much less as some sort
of default behavior.


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