On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 15:39, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 10:30, Joe Polk wrote:
> > We are a sensitive lot, no?   :)
> > 
> > <<JAV>>
> > 
> I'm sensitive mostly because this stuff affects my business - which puts
> bread and butter on my table and takes care of my kids. This means that
> I have to ditch the past seven months of mucking around with RH 8.0 and
> the likes and start all over again - which is literally money spent.

I doubt even moving straight from 6.2 to 8.0 would mean 'starting all
over again'.  No doubt your children need to eat, but the emotional
appeal fails to convince me that nothing you learned on 8.0 will apply
to 9.  Many things I learned on Slackware 1.0 are still applicable to RH
8.0.  I doubt the jump to 9 will make that much difference.  It's
*still* Linux, fer chrissake.

> Sure, I'm touchy and sensitive - so in thinking pro-actively about my
> client base and their servers, workstations and issues, I'll have to
> spend even more time getting a grip on a new version (and I HATE .0
> versions) along with all the quirks, foibles and bugs a new version
> presents...

Or just the problems incurred by upgrading to a new version of dhcpd and
having webmin not configure it properly?  That happened to me on 7.3
without any sort of version change on the part of Redhat.  Sorry, but
stuff like that happens and that's why you get paid.  If all was glassy
smoothness *then* your children would be in trouble because your job
would become unnecessary.  Change is the only constant in IT and its why
people who can deal with it are needed.  If you can't handle change then
you're in the wrong field.  But then, perhaps that's why you need a
certificate: to convince people you aren't.

Sorry to be so blunt, but I get tired of hearing complaints about a
digit and bringing emotional appeals into it makes it even more
unpalatable.  The only valid complaint I've seen so far has to do with
possible issues about someone's RHCE being perceived as outdated by a
clueless employer and if this is an insurmountable obstacle in an
interview then you weren't very high on the list anyway.


Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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