The scenario:

Customer used to run p-2-p Windows network. 1 of the PCs held all company
files. These file were then backed up using MSBackup to ANOTHER Windows PC.
There they were then put onto tape, as a second point of safekeeping.

The network has been getting slow, so they allowed me to set up a Samba PDC.
This part is working excellently - the speed increase in their words

They currently still use MSBackup to back the files up as before. However,
now, that part is slower because we're pulling the files off the server for
MSBackup to compress, then push it onto the other PC. Not the best scenario.

I would like to write a script to:

1> Zip up the files using zip. (So they can easily restore manually using
2> Mount the share on the backup PC.
3> Copy the file over.
4> Unmount the Windows share.
5> Mail a report to the admin person.

The commands, I have no problem with at all, but I'd like to build some
'smarts' into the sequence.

So, yes, I understand things like 'echo "Starting zip compression" >
backuplog.txt'. I know how to zip (zip -rqv /tmp/ /home/shared/*).

But things like checking for zip return error codes, mounting the share
error codes etc. is new to me. Obviously if the share is unable to be
mounted, I'd like to skip the rest of the steps and echo "Backup PC could
not be mounted - error code <such and such> >> backuplog.txt". And then drop

Also, it would be nice to name the backup for example. So
things like extracting the date from the system is also beyond me.

Anyone know of a good tutorial on the web to help me learn these few things?


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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