
> But things like checking for zip return error codes, mounting the share
> error codes etc. is new to me. Obviously if the share is unable to be
> mounted, I'd like to skip the rest of the steps and echo "Backup PC could
> not be mounted - error code <such and such> >> backuplog.txt". And then
> out.
> Also, it would be nice to name the backup 20030329.zip for example. So
> things like extracting the date from the system is also beyond me.
> Anyone know of a good tutorial on the web to help me learn these few

In sh/bash, the variable $? holds the exit value of the last command to run.
So you
can do:

mount ....
if [$? -ne 0]
echo "command failed"
... more stuff ...

"man bash" and "man test" for more information.

For extracting the date in the format you like, try:

date '+%Y%m%d'

"man date" for more information.

And there are loads of online tutorials on shell scripting. Google turned up
one such
tutorial for me:


There must be others too.


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