On 16:52 29 Mar 2003, Joe Giles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Is there a way to get the 'cp' command to display some kind of status
| that the copy is happening. Like hash marks or something...
| Its gets frustrating when copying large files from one location to
| another and not seeing any progress.

Well I have a little script called prcat:


("cat" with progress reporting). I pretty much only use it for
copying CDs onto our CD server. But it writes progress to stderr,
so you'd go:

        prcat fromfile >tofile

and see it go. Sometimes useful. It uses my perl stuff so you you can
either grab the few modules it uses from here:


or just get the whole css package:


Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

The problem is that Scotland doesn't have it's own government with
tax-raising powers.

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