On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Martin, Ava wrote:

> Good Morning,
> Sorry if this came twice, I forgot to change the format on the first one, so
> I'm resending as plain text format.
> Please forgive me if my question seems trivial.  I am trying to install
> RedHat 8.0 Standard on a Dell Inspiron 5100 Laptop.  The laptop has a 60GB
> hard drive with 512M of RAM.
> I have used Partition Magic 8 to free up 18GB for RH.  I am also running
> Windows XP.  
> I wanted to do custom partitions but keep receiving errors that my
> partitions are not large enough.  Could someone please send some examples of
> recommended partition sizes if I wanted to do a full complete install of
> RH8?

can you be more specific?  is it telling you *which* partition is
too small?


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