Martin, Ava wrote:

Good Morning,

Sorry if this came twice, I forgot to change the format on the first one, so
I'm resending as plain text format.

Please forgive me if my question seems trivial.  I am trying to install
RedHat 8.0 Standard on a Dell Inspiron 5100 Laptop.  The laptop has a 60GB
hard drive with 512M of RAM.

I have used Partition Magic 8 to free up 18GB for RH. I am also running
Windows XP.

I wanted to do custom partitions but keep receiving errors that my
partitions are not large enough.  Could someone please send some examples of
recommended partition sizes if I wanted to do a full complete install of

I know the swap needs to be 512M since I have that much RAM, but what would
be the optimum sizes of /boot, /, /usr, /usr/local, /opt, /var, /home, /tmp,

Everybody has an opinion about this. And I won't say that mine is the "right" one, but it
will work just fine:

If this is just a laptop and you are the only one who will be using it, then just create a
and a swap and that is all you need.

If you are going to create user accounts (other than your own) on the box then you
might want to have

/home depends on how much space you want to give your users
/tmp 1GB is fine
/var This could be as small as 512MB, but if you have apache, ftp-server,
or databases, or mail on this box then you will want to allocate space
for them here.
512MB swap,
and everything else in /

If you are going to have any third party software applications on the box, then you
might want to seperate /opt or /usr/local onto seperate partitions, and allocate
space for them as necessary for the 3rd party apps.

If you have a server with RAID requirements and such then you might
(for reasons of bootability when considering different controller/bus/RAID/spindle
failure options)
want to have a seperate
/boot (at least 75MB, up to 128MB)
/usr (at least 1GB, up to 4GB)


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