-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, June 14, 1998 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: HTML-formatted mail

>don't NEED any of that stuff. MIME already defines a way to send and
>interpret similar encodings using what is called "enriched/text". The
>'mutt' mailer properly flags it as a mime-type document and interprets
>it as such when reading the document. Any other mail tool that correctly
>implements all the mime types should also do so. enriched/text supports
>colors, bold, dim, underline, etc., so what more do you need for e-mail?

Which is more broadly supported?  Which has more emailers in place using it?

Which uses an existing standard for more than one purpose, instead of two
conflicting standards?

There are a heck of a lot more people using Eudora, Netscape, and Microsoft
products than there are using mutt.

I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing, but it is a thing.  :-)

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