Once upon a time Shawn McMahon wrote:
> >> A tremendous number of people agree that there should be some kind of
> markup
> >> language established as a standard for email.  Every commercial email
> >> package supports one or more markup methods.
> >
> >Sorry, but your second sentence does not either follow from or lead
> >logically to the previous.
> That is correct.  They were two statements of fact, not a progression.
> The next statements progressed from these two facts.
> >Oh really? And I say that I *am* against HTML in email and I am in
> >favour of email's being a rich method of communication?
> This particular fight has pretty much already been lost; it's unlikely at
> this point that another markup language will overtake HTML as the
> markup-of-choice for email.

Never mind the fight - you have missed out part of your original to
which I was replying: the part in which you said that you could not
in favour of email as a "rich" method of communication but against
HTML in mail. I was simply saying that I *am* in favour of one and
against the other.
> >As far as I'mn concerned, adding bloody HTML tags makes the mail
> >*harder* to read and certainly doesn't increase its
> >comprehensibililty.
> No more so than any other markup language, if it's not processed by the
> application.

And a French book is easy to understand if you have a French speaker
to translate it for you...
> >Apart from the fact that MIT specifically ask us *not* to call it
> >X-Windows.... this is total and utter nonsense.
> Who, other than ivory-tower pseudo-intellectuals, gives a crap what MIT says
> we should call it?
> The folks who complained that I misspelled "asterisk" had a point, but this
> is just goofy.
> Are you going to complain that I'm saying "Linux" instead of "GNU/Linux"
> next,  and present it as if it were a valid point of argument related to the
> subject at hand?

No - as you well know - because Linus Thorvalds christened the system
which *he* wrote "Linux". The Project Athena people at MIT christened
the system *they* desigend and wrote "X" or "the X windowing system".

You are at liberty to ignore their wishes, but IMHO if you use their
software and still refuse to use their name then you are being both
rude and hypocritical.

|Deryk Barker, Computer Science Dept. | Music does not have to be understood|
|Camosun College, Victoria, BC, Canada| It has to be listened to.           |
|email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |                                     |
|phone: +1 250 370 4452               |         Hermann Scherchen.          |

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