Michelle Lowman wrote:

At 05:29 PM 5/29/2003 -0400, you wrote:

Michelle Lowman wrote:

Thanks for the quick response. My resolv.conf looks something like this:

search  ph.cox.net

This is the same as what I have in my Windows network configuration (the one that works), so I'm pretty sure that's not the problem. (Fluuuussshhhhhh . . . .)


Sorry, I have to admit that I didn't read your post all the way through.
Now, having completely read your e-mail I can say that I don't have a simple answer, but I do have a lot of helpfull hints for troubleshooting.
It sounds like you have multiple problems, so try fixing one at a time.
First use the web interface to log into your Linksys router and make sure to reconfigure everything the way it should be.

It is not a good Idea to assign a static IP address to a machine that is part of a pool of IP addresses that is in use by a DHCP server.
The web interface for your Linksys Router should allow you to either define a subnet or a range of IP addresses which it will divvy out to DHCP clients,
Make sure that if you assign an IP address to the RedHat box that it is NOT an IP address in the DHCP lease range.

Make sure that when you configure your RedHat box that you assign a defualt gateway, in /etc/sysconfig/network
and that you assign the correct subnet mask in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
(you can cheat and use "netconfig" or "redhat-config-network" if you want to).

Use "netstat -ni" and "netstat -nr" to verify that your settings are what you think they should be.
After changing your config files you may need to run "service network reload"

If you have your RedHat box configured the way you think it should be, try to ping the default gateway (should be the Linksys Router?)
Try pinging the DNS servers that you have listed in your /etc/resolv.conf by IP address.

If you can ping a hostname, like "ping www.swirly.com"
Try doing "dig www.swirly.com"
Try doing "dig www.swirly.com  |  grep SERVER"

Also try "wget http://www.swirly.com"; and see if it was able to save "index.html"
If not, try "wget -d http://www.swirly.com";

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