On Fri, 30 May 2003, Yanick Quirion wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a little problem when using linux redhat crontab. I want to run an Oracle SQL 
> script using the oracle user. On the user, I use command crontab -e and add the 
> line, for example:
> 0 12 * * * /home/oracle/SQL_Script/script1.ksh
> The script will run, but it will be start by user "root". When the job is completed, 
> I will have a message from root. This causes me problem, because the user root is 
> not able to connect to the oracle database without specified the "sys" password into 
> the script.
> Hi have the similar script on my SUN Solaris. Under this platform, the script will 
> be executed by user oracle and I will receive an e-mail from user Oracle, so I'm not 
> obliged to type the "sys" password into my script.
> There is a way to force a cron job to run as the user who owns the job? I make some 
> test with the command "at", and this one seems working fine, but I need a job to run 
> each day, not just one time.
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards
> -Yanick

The simplest way is to log in or su to the user in question and run 
"crontab -e".

Barring that, as root, you can "crontab -u <username> -e".

Mike Burger

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