> > I keep getting email virii (sp) sent to me from from a particular
> > domain.  This has gone on for a couple months now. I have notified these
> > people but they can't or won't stop.  Thankfully, I use mailscanner and
> > f-prot which catches everything (so far).  It's the Klez virus.
> >
> > I also use spamassassin.  I tried putting their domain in
> > /etc/mail/access as REJECT and creating a new /etc/mail/access.db  It
> > still comes through.  I'm tired of seeing this crap.  How can I make a
> > blacklist of my own site-wide.  I see how to do it in each user home
> > directory but I want the whole site to reject mail from that domain.
> >
> > Do I make a file /etc/mail/spamassassin/user_prefs or do I add the
> > blacklist_from to /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf?
> >
> > TIA
> Share the IP address with the rest of us.  Chances are, we are getting the
> same thing whether we are aware of it or not.

Procmail recipe for Klez:

:0 B

For any unwanted domain/sender:


Procmail -> /dev/null is the quickest, easiest way to deal with any of
this crapola.

Hal Burgiss

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