Hi!  I've got this ol' Pentium-133 system I just set 
up with Red Hat 5.2 (only version I have available at 
the moment), and after experimenting all day, have a 
few questions.

1:  Since the Netscape version that came with my Red 
Hat distro is rather sucky, what are some other 
browsers I can try that will work with RH 5.2?

2:  This system has a PS2 Microsoft Intellimouse (with 
a scroll wheel).  I managed to configure XF86 to use 
this as a 3-button mouse, by putting the following 
lines in my XF86 configuration file:

Section "Pointer"
Protocol "imps/2"
Device "/dev/mouse"
Buttons 3

The wheel now works as a third button okay.  However, 
I would like to use it to scroll up and down documents 
that take up more than one screenlength.  Is there any 
simple way to accomplish this?

3:  I deleted fvwm (or whatever it was called), and am 
currently using WindowMaker as my default desktop.  Is 
there any way to configure WindowMaker to be able to 
set a screen-sized image as a desktop wallpaper (like 
Win-98)?  Or will I need to use a different Window 
manager for that?  If so, what other ones are there 
that will work with 5.2?

4:  And finally, I want to upgrade RH soon.  What I 
need to know is, what versions will work right (as in 
running an XF86 desktop without crawling) on systems 
ranging from Pentium-133 to Pentium-200, as that is 
the range of systems I currently use?


-- Scarletdown

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