On 9 Jun 2003 at 0:05, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> How much memory has it got? Best thing you can do for this system, if
> you're going to try to run *anything* recent, is to max out the RAM and
> be patient with it ;)
At the moment, only 32MB (in the form of 4 8MB Simms). Since this system is
primarily just an experimentation and Linux "learning" station; it is on the low end of
the totem pole for upgrades via "hand-me-downs", so it will be a while before it gets
it's max-out at 128MB. :)
> > Hat distro is rather sucky, what are some other
> > browsers I can try that will work with RH 5.2?
> Can't think of any that don't also suck. I don't even see packages of
> KDE for 5.2 (though I know they used to exist). Konquerer wasn't that
> good back then, anyway, I guess...
I'll just stick with Netscrape for now. I do have a version 5.something of Opera I
plan on trying soon. I attempted to install it earlier, and learned there were some
missing dependancies or something like that. Once I get some other tasks
accomplished, I'll look into getting Opera working.
> > 2: This system has a PS2 Microsoft Intellimouse (with
> > a scroll wheel).
> ...
> http://koala.ilog.fr/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/
Thanks for the link. Quite a lot of info to sort through there; so I have it bookmarked
for when I am fresh. Been geeking about all yesterday and well into the night, and
it's about time to call it quits for this session. :)
> You shouldn't need to use a different WM, but I think that at that time,
> setting a background was considered external to the WM's job. You
> should set the background using some other application, called from your
> .Xclients file.
> You might be able to use xsetbg or xv, depending on the image and what's
> installed. IIRC, I used to use xv.
Thanks again. I'll give both of those a try.
> > 4: And finally, I want to upgrade RH soon. What I
> > need to know is, what versions will work right (as in
> > running an XF86 desktop without crawling) on systems
> > ranging from Pentium-133 to Pentium-200, as that is
> > the range of systems I currently use?
> Not crawling is going to be partially a function of how much RAM you
> have. You can probably get pretty good performance out of 7.3. If
> not, try falling back to 6.2.
If I can find someone locally with a high speed connection and a CD-Burner (I'm on
a 56K connection via a FreeSCO router), I'll see if I can arrange to have one of
those two downloaded and burned onto a CD. In fact, I just thought of someone
who can probably do this.
> If you're up to experimenting, you might also try out BeOS (whatever you
> can get your hands on, 4.5 would be best, I think).
I might do that. I have plenty of spare parts to cobble together experimental
systems. At the moment though, I'm just focusing on RedHat (since that is what I
have the most experience with). I may convert my MINIX box into a dual-boot
MINIX/Slackware system soon though, since with a Slackware setup, I can compile
packages for FreeSCO.
Thanks again for the advice. Looking forward to getting some of these little
objectives met (major one accomplished tonight was getting Samba properly
configured so the system shows up on my LAN.)
-- Scarletdown