On 11-Jun-2003/07:30 -0700, Jonathan Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'd have to agree here.  My personal Workstation runs:
[snipped list of services similar to my own list]

>I usually have open:
[snipped list of apps not much different to what I run]

I do run vim instead of emacs, but I won't hold that against you ;-)

>Even with all this, the only thing that's slow is nautilus.

I gave up on Nautilus until I get a faster machine. My trusty P350 won't
run it fast enough for me. I use GMC instead. I don't get the fancy
previews, but that's an acceptable trade off.

If you'd like your Linux desktop to run faster, dump Nautilus/Konqueror
and/or their associated environments and use something simpler.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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