On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 06:43:56PM -0400, Ben Russo wrote:
> poster,   X is SLOW SLOW SLOW....  and  the GUI's are nowhere near as 
> smooth and clean looking.

The latter is clearly a matter of personal preference. To me, for
example, a nicely set-up Window Maker screen is miles ahead of the
Windows look. Even my wife, who has never used anything but Windows at
work, prefers Window Maker over KDE/GNOME at home. "Look-and-feel"
arguments are kind of silly - there is *no* "one-size-fits-all", even
though some companies try to force it on you.

> The cut/copy/paste worked in amazing ways that you never really 
> appreciate until you try to do the same thing from
> an Xterm to Mozilla, or from Konqueror to OpenOffice.

:-) Copy/paste is exactly one of the things I like better under X...
Mark, middle mouse button drop. Works and is very simple to use (and
yes, it works specifically with the examples you gave... ;-) )


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