Robert Adkins wrote:


        I have no idea why you have such slowness in you machine, except maybe
you need more memory in your system.

        Personally, I am running Red Hat 9 on a Duron 900 with 512 MB of RAM.
The system is VERY snappy.

From a cold start Kmail loads up and is ready to use in less then 10
seconds. Evolution opens up in a comparable speed as well.

When you say cold start do you mean from powered off?
Or do you mean you just booted the system and logged into KDE, then you click on the Kmail Icon (START WATCH) 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9... Kmail is up and ready to use?

If you are referring to the second of the two then you are just complacent. Ten seconds on a machine
these days is terrible. I had a PentiumIII 700 MHz laptop with 384MB of RAM running Win2K and
I booted it up every morning, logged in, and then went to fetch my cup of coffee. I would click on
the Outlook Icon and the Mozilla Icon and the Trillian icon when I got back to my desk. By the time
I sat down and scootched my chair up the desk and took a sip of coffee (2-3 seconds) all 3 were loaded.

So 2 or 3 second lag...... vs. 9 or 10 second lag.

I like my Linux workstations, I would love to see open-standards e-mail and open-office used on a larger number of
peoples desks. I think that KDE and or GNOME has come a long way... But I agree with the original
poster, X is SLOW SLOW SLOW.... and the GUI's are nowhere near as smooth and clean looking.

I disagree about the application stability though. I just got a brand new Dell Laptop a few months ago
with Windows XP loaded on it and I've been using it for a while. Many of my applications (Outlook, Word, Excell)
randomly crap out, or more frequently start doing bizarre things. (yes I have *all* the patches and all the virus scanners)
And I don't have any crappy shareware or games on my machine, it is strictly professional mainstream applications.
I get the "BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH" about once a week for no apparent rhyme or reason.

I ran a strictly LInux desktop for about 9 months of last year, I *NEVER* had linux completely freeze on me.
Sure I had the KDE taskbar get buggy, turn into an unresponsive bitmap, and then I had to log out of X and log back in. Sometimes the screen refreshes were a little late and the windows looked like mosaics as I moved them around
(but I have seen the exact same thing on my WIndows boxes when they are busy too)
Yes, I had mozilla or Evolution freak out or disappear on me and had to clean up all the little child processes before
I restarted them. But for the most part it was about the same as I experienced on Windows 2000 with Office 2000.

But the WIndows Apps are much more polished in appearance, and in consistency of GUI and Keystroke commands
The cut/copy/paste worked in amazing ways that you never really appreciate until you try to do the same thing from
an Xterm to Mozilla, or from Konqueror to OpenOffice.


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