On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, T. Ribbrock wrote:

> Just got another one of those "SpamBlock: Please register to be
> allowed to send mail to me" mails - this is just plain stupid! Running
> list mail via such a mail address is rude at the least, IMO.
> Anyway, apparently [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not want to receive
> any mail from this list, hence, I suggest he unsubscribes...

in all fairness, i just tried to set up something like this through
earthlink (AKA mindspring) and was thoroughly frustrated with how
useless it was.

*theoretically*, it's a good idea.  earthlink has a setting called
"suspect email" blocking, which does pretty much the above --
if email addressed to you isn't explicitly in your address book,
that mail goes into the "suspect email" folder, and an automatic
response goes to the sender, asking them to confirm.

they can either confirm with another email, or you can, 
while browsing your suspect email folder, just add them.
in either case, they're good to go from then on.

after reading the instructions, and calling earthlink
support, i verified why this feature is utterly useless for
everyone except those who putter around with email and don't use 
it for anything serious.

  1) there is no way to turn off the automatic reply to sender,
     asking them to confirm.  i asked if i could disable that,
     and just explicitly add people.  nope.  can't be done.

  2) i specifically described the situation with red hat lists,
     in that the "From" address could be one of thousands of
     list members.  i asked whether i could, instead, filter
     on the "To:" address, which would be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
     nope.  have to filter on "From".  double stupid.

while there's no doubt that we're going to be seeing more of
these "please register" messages, based on my experience, i'm
going to be at least a little understanding.

it's the symptom of people who are (like many of us) sick to 
death of spam, and are trying anything they can to deal with it.
and, sadly, what they're getting in terms of help from their
ISPs like earthlink/mindspring is, quite simply, useless shit.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training
Waterloo, Ontario


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