On 24-Jun-2003/09:17 -0400, "Reuben D. Budiardja" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Tuesday 24 June 2003 08:56 am, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
>> On 18-Jun-2003/19:25 -0400, Gerry Doris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >I just filter them out using procmail.  Anyone who sends me those stupid
>> >messages gets all further mail sent to /dev/null.
>> That is unfortunate. I use filters and a homegrown challenge/response
>> system that operates like this:
>>  1. Filter mail from mailing lists.
>>  2. Filter mail from my scripts.
>>  3. Delete mail marked by my ISP as spam (scored 10/10).
>>  4. Delete mail in character sets which I cannot read.
>>  5. Delete mail from unwanted senders (blacklist/killfile).
>>  6. Filter mail from known senders (whitelist).
>>  7. Filter mail that is in reply to a message from me.
>>  8. Challenge all other mail.
>I understand 1-7. But what does 8 mean or do?

A procmail recipe delivers (pipes) the message to a script. The script
stores the message locally in a file, then sends a challenge to the sender
that includes a URL. The URL displays a web page with some warnings for
spammers and a button that allows the user to have the message delivered.
The script behind the web page sends a response message. the response
message is caught by a procmail recipe that pipes the response message to
a perl script which appends the original message to my Inbox.

A daily cronjob calls tmpwatch to remove message files that are more than
7 days old.

>And do you do all this using procmail ?

A combination of procmail, perl, and formail.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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