It should be pointed out, there isn't actually a need for the originator 
of this thread to actually go out and and format his zip_cart in ext2. He
could just mount it with whatever filesystem the media is formatted in his case, msdos. I do this...I have (I think) 28 zip_carts,
and there's ext2, msdos, and amiga FFS formatted cartridges amidst all of
those, partly because I'm lazy and mostly because I can transport files
this way between platforms easily (in the case of no network). As far as
linux is concerned there seems little difference. (tho I think ext2 was a
tad faster ;)

         Another thing I wanted to ask about zip_drives...I got 'attacked'
by this person on #linux the other night, babbling something about how I
was DOOMED because I used the zip-drive....he referencing something called
"the click of death". He wouldn't hear of my; 28 zip-carts
& 2years or so on without so much as a hint of any trouble here.

  Anyone know what this bloke was on about with this 'click of death'
thing, regarding iomega zip drives?



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