I'd like to warn you that even if you get it to work as hdd4, you might have problems
transferring binary files. I used to notice that my binary files would get corrupted
and this was unacceptable considering I was using it for backup. I found one postings
at deja.com that said that the newer internal drives should use the ide-scsi module
instead of ide-floppy. As root login (su -l), run the lsmod command. If ide-floppy
appears, the modprobe loaded the wrong driver for your zip disk. Try the following
then (an d maybe put in rc.local)
rmmod ide-floppy
modprobe ide-scsi

the dmesg command then should let you know that it worked. Your zip drive would then
/dev/sda. My /etc/fstab has the following:
/dev/sda4               /mnt/zipdos             vfat    noauto,rw,user,nosuid,sync 0
/dev/sda1               /mnt/zip                ext2    noauto,rw,user,nosuid,sync 0

where the second zip is for linux formatted disks. An additional not is that it is a
real pain to read the zip tools disk and you might want to consider using mtools for
dos formatted zipdisks. This is possible by placing in /etc/mtools.conf
drive z: file="/dev/sda4"
drive z: file="/dev/sda1"

then you can use the mtools commands (mdir, mcopy, ....) as if it was a floppy disk
which you don't need to be mount the floppy drive. You might also want to set the
environment variable MTOOLS_LOWER_CASE=1 in your .cshrc (or .bashrc) so that all
upper-case filenames are translated to all lower-case. If you want to read your
floppy drive it is drive a: and then
drive a: file="/dev/fd0" exclusive 1.44m

should be in mtools.conf. Mtools is a standard redhat 6.0 package.

As an additional note, it may be possible that assigning hdc (my zip disk) to the
ide-scsi can be done as a kernel option at boot time, but I am not sure how to do

Good Luck,

> > I cannot mount my internal Iomega ZIP drive under Linux Redhat 6.0.
> >
> > When I look under dmesg I see that the Linux sees the drive and assigned
> > hdd to it.  I have reviewed the howto and see nothing there that I haven't
> > already done. I've searched deja.com and tried everything I can find
> > there.  I've added an entry to fstab (via linuxconf), I've referenced it
> > both as hdd and then after reading some posts, I changed it to hdd4.
> > I've tried every permutation of mount I can think of.  Some I've tried
> > include:
> >
> > mount -t vfat /dev/hdd /mnt/iomega
> > mount -t vfat /dev/hdd4 /mnt/iomega
> > mount -t msdos /dev/hdd4 /mnt/iomega
> > mount -t ext2 /dev/hdd4 /mnt/iomega
> > mount -t auto /dev/hdd4 /mnt/iomega (This one gave a different error,
> >  saying that I needed to declare the file type first.  It didn't like
> >  auto, even though many many posts indicated this was a solution.)
> > mount /mnt/iomega (assuming that this command would reference fstab and
> >  mount as defined therein.)
> >
> > For all of the above, except the noted exception, I get the following
> > error message:
> >
> > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd4,
> >        or too many mounted file systems
> >
> > Judging from the number of posts on usenet, this is a very common problem.
> >

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