You will have to look at what im saying close
to under stand what's going on

When I try and play a cd with KsCD form my cd-rw drive /dev/cdrom1 is the setings for the driver
but cd-rw drive is on my secondary IDE cabel as master shoulden it be /dev/cdrom??

My dvd-rom is on my secondary IDE cabel as slave shoulden it be /dev/cdrom1

Like you said /dev/scd0 will run my cd-rw drive too but nether /dev/cdrom1 or /dev/scd0 play any sound.

If im not mistakeing shoulden /dev/cdrom be a semilinked /dev/scd0 ??

The thing is that my KsCD program seting for the dvd-rom is /dev/cdrom wich work good and has sound.

Thank's & God Bless All\
David Hammett

\Linux Is great #1 in my book Now !!!            /
/Start makeing programs for it now Ho..yes :-)   \
\                                                /

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