>I know I am being dense, but if I just point to a different kernel using
>how do I get past the module dependencies?  It seems to me like I have
>the old modules during the kernel compile.  How do you get around this?
>(feeling stupid)

The modules for let's say 2.0.33 go in /lib/modules/2.0.33 and the modules
for 2.1.89 go in /lib/modules/2.1.89
The kernel knows where to look.

also do a man lilo.conf
that should explain how to set up multiple kernels. just
copy the corresponding section in lilo.conf for linux to a new entry, change
the label to whatever you want it to
be called at the LILO prompt, and point the image= tag to your new kernel


>On 16-Apr-98 Tom Diehl wrote:
>> On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Vidiot wrote:
>>> I thinking of bringing up the 2.1.96 kernel.
>>> Has anyone set up Redhat so that a good/working 2.0.32 kernel and all of
>>> stuff is available for use in case something goes wrong with a newer
>>> I suspect that the best thing would be to have a separate partition that
>>> bootable from LILO, with the good distribution bootable as well.
>> Sounds like too much work to be useful. :) Why not just have multiple
>> that you choose which one to boot from the lilo prompt. For example
>> in addition to having choices like linux dos windoze etc. Set up
>> linux-2.1.96 etc. Lilo does this easially. IIRC the newer programs
>> required for 2.1.x are backwards compatiable.
>> Hope this helps.
>> ......Tom                       "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   for you are crunchy and good with
>>          Unix IS user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends
>> are.

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