On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 10:09, Bailo, John wrote:
> With all the alternatives in Linux, are there alternatives to X itself?   
> Shouldn't there be more than one graphics servers available to Linux?

None as far as I know.  But in thinking about the question I have two

1)  Writing a full scale graphical environment is time consuming,
difficult, and requires a lot of skill.  There are not that many around.
The Mac interface, Windows, Sun's SunView, X and X based derivatives
(CDE, Gnome, KDE, etc.).  Probably a couple of others, certainly the
Star interface was used  by Apple and MS for ideas, etc.  X started as
an academic project and then was adopted by the *NIX world as the basis
for a lot of variants, but the hard work was all done at MIT and
everyone leveraged off that investment.  The basic point is that a
full blown interface is something that will probably be done only as
an academic project or if there is substantial value for selling the
interface.  Hence the OpenSource world has moved towards the end of
leveraging off the X stuff as the basis for GUI's and trying to lay
stuff on top of that to enhance the user experience.  This has the 
side-effect of making it easy for programmers to write applications for
the interface; any Xlib application can be ported to any X environment;
it looks better if some higher level widgets are used, but it makes the
application level much more enticing to developers.  Cost of a non-X
interface and the problem of getting apps for it both argue against such
a beast.

2) X in and of itself has a number of advantages (some of which are
are also disadvantages).  It is designed to run on a network with 
distributed clients, there are low level API's that developers can use,
the core of the interface is freely available, etc.  The issue is 
performance, but that can be dealt with as a separate issue.  There are
three main sources of performance issues.  First, the WM and other 
stuff overlying X can be bloated and non-optimized.  KDE and Gnome
are both fighting with this, there are alternatives that are lighter
weight and better as others have noted.  Second, video drivers are
a problem.  There needs to be incentives for manufacturers to either
provide good drivers for Linux, or provide info to programmers that
will do the drivers.  In the early days of Linux, there was a boycott
against Diamond and their cards as they would not provide data to 
driver writers.  Diamond changed their minds and a lot of folks then
bought Diamond cards as the accelerated drivers became some of the
best around.  Too many cards these days run with non-accelerated drivers
due to 'secrecy' of the card makers.  Good drivers on good cards do
make a difference - a big one.  Third, the fact that X handles
everything via the network stack can drag down performance.  The proper
way to handle this is to optimize and compress the stream.  Low
bandwidth X stuff is around, and there have been proprietary solutions 
that solve this problem.  I'd rather see more effort put in this area
than folks trying to re-invent the wheel.

In the end, my take is we do not need to replace X, just optimize what
is there.

- rick warner

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