According to Peter L. Arnoldy:
> I tried ctlaltbckspace, which just got me back to the login
> screen (don't want that, want just non-xwindows, linux prompt)
> So, then I logged in as root and from a shell, did
> /sbin/shutdown, which shutdown (actually, froze the xwindows
> display, so I did hardware reset, at boot though it automatically
> went right back into xwindows. How do I stop it from doing
> this?
> Thanks
> -Peter


        I just looked it up:
        One can bind event abort-display to a key.
        Add the following line to a resource
        xlogin*login.translations: #override\
                Ctrl<Key>R: abort-display()
        Which will bind the Ctrl-R key to Kill
        the xdm server.  ( Check the man page for
        xdm for more info )

        Also, try from xterm:
        ps -aux | grep xdm
        and kill the xdm process...


P.s.  Did you use `shutdown now` ? halt ?

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