On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 09:47:19PM +0800, Julian Gomez wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:05:04AM -0400, Edwin Robertson spoke thusly:
> >> I've had a machine which I planned to put into production (Samba) -- and
> >> just now tried to run the full 'rpm -Fvh' against all the latest errata.
> >> Unfortunately for me, eventhough 'rpm --test -F *.rpm' worked without any
> >> errors, doing 'rpm -Fvh *.rpm' returned ALOT of segfaulted package
> >>updates.
> >
> >You didn't do -Fvh with the kernel did you?  If so, that would cause any
> >version of Red Hat to toast itself.

This is irrelevant.  Fvh on a kernel is ok these days (I think).

> Yes I did. All the packages were downloaded from ftp://updates.redhat.com/
> and then 'rpm -Fvh *.rpm' within the directory itself.

I'm willing to guess that you had previously installed an i686 version
of glibc and you just installed a 386 version on top.  This is bad and
there have been many postings on this list related to issues that crop
up when this is done.  There's a bugzilla entry as well, with
instructions on how to remove the bullet from your foot.

up2date is your friend.  You should not try to download the errata
yourself unless there's a good reason you can't use up2date.

> Would you happen to know why the behaviour is different between RHv8 and v9
> ? I'll follow your advice and try a brand new RH v9 install minus the
> kernel packages in the relevant directory. See whether the problem can be
> duplicated, or was it a daft user error of mine.

If you're trying a brand new RHL 9 install, check the architecture of
the glibc package it installed - in fact, you should check all the
packages.  Make sure that the architectures match when you pull down
your updates.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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