At 7/10/2003 00:45 +0800, you wrote:
But payment !

Oh, for the love of God. Not everything in life is free, man. And charging for something into which you put man-years of work is not a bad thing.

Be eternally grateful for those people who _choose_ to give away something they worked hard to create, but don't expect everyone to do so. The world just doesn't work that way. If they provide a legitimate and functional product or service, they are entitled to charge for it if they so desire. If you choose not to pay for it, that is a valid choice. But don't go whining about it to the rest of us.

Remember that this constant "but payment!" crap is one of the reasons why more companies don't develop software for Linux. You want more and better software, be prepared to cough up some dough once in a while. And don't _expect_ everyone to work for you for free... just be very grateful to those who do.


-- Rodolfo J. Paiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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